In less than a year Ian Campbell has finished the sequel to The Crescent - Life in Old Dundee. The new book called The End of The Crescent is available now.
Enjoyed reading The Crescent?
“Be prepared for the sequel !”
The End of The Crescent
This story begins where ”The Crescent” ends.
The people of Dundee who were used to poverty and hardship, were facing another war with Germany and in many ways, a second world war was preferable to life umenployed 'on the broo'. As war descends on Europe and rages on, life in Dundee changes dramatically to cope with the dangers of being bombed and invaded by a ruthless enemy. For many Dundee men though, they were turned into fighting soldiers who were asked to sacrifice their lives at St. Valery in the aftermath of the disaster of Dunkirk. Their wives and bairns knew nothing of their struggle as the POW’s were forced to march through France unless escape was an option.
Order your copy of The End of The Crescent now: